Approved Aviat Husky Training Facility
IFR Flight & SIM Center™
Approved AVIAT Husky Training Facility
From the McCreery Aviation Newsletter Article written September 2012
“How Our Husky Training Program Began”
by Mark Wilson, Owner/Instructor, IFR Flight Training School™
More than a decade now, we were asked to develop a special Husky Pilot Training Program. What made this program special was the proposed mission being implemented for the Husky. A company in the Austin, Texas area was developing a program to use the Husky Aircraft as an Electronic Surveillance platform for use in law enforcement. Law enforcement agencies had typically been operating helicopters for their surveillance work. Helicopters are great for this work but are very expensive to operate. It was determined that a Husky could do the same job at a fraction of the cost. Like the helicopter, the Husky has the capability to loiter while using a FLIR sensor to track a target. Our job would be to train pilots to fly the Husky so well they could handle the mission successfully as well.
When this training opportunity was presented to us, I was especially interested in helping out. I had served as an Electronic Warfare Pilot in Vietnam in the Grumman OV-1 Mohawk Aircraft. The Mohawk was a twin engine turboprop designed for All Weather Operations which meant that we flew in monsoons at night. The mission sounded sophisticated and it was, but amazingly, it was easy too. Our Army Pilot Training was exceptional, equipping us to fly our aircraft so easily that we could handle the additional workload of our tactical duties as well. It’s with this level of ability that we like to train all of our clients at IFR Flight Training School™, including our Husky Pilots.
To begin our Husky Training Program, I consulted with the Chief Pilot at the Aviat Husky factory to discuss the existing factory training program. We had a good visit and the Chief Pilot was glad to hear we were constructing a strong training program to support Husky owners and pilots. Aircraft manufacturers like for their owners to be safe in the aircraft they produce. Insurance companies appreciate the good training also and rate their policy premiums accordingly.
Following my visit with the Aviat Chief Pilot, we wrote a comprehensive training syllabus designed to make a Husky owner a good Husky Pilot. The syllabus can be seen on our website at Since beginning our Husky Pilot Training Program, we have trained Husky Owners from all over the United States including Alaska – and Mexico too. We train Husky Pilots at our location in the Austin, Texas Metro Area (Georgetown KGTU) or at their location, in our Husky aircraft. I asked one Husky Owner why he chose to conduct his Husky training with a school in Texas when he could have more easily gotten his training in California. His response to me was that he wanted extra good training.
Mark Wilson
IFR Flight Training School™
Georgetown, TX (KGTU)
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